0408 899 875
Secure Paws & Claws
Positive Dog Training & Behaviour Specialist
K9PATs Assistance Dog Trainer & Assessor
Certified Dog & Cat Groomer
AromaPetology Services
AromaDog Diffusion and/or Scent Training service takes into consideration a dog’s powerful sense of smell, and its influence on behaviour and good health. We also use the influence of calming aromas as in all aspects of a dog's life remaining stress free is vital to good health and well-being. Calming Essential Oils can assist and support a dog with behaviour concerns and our service offers complimentary essential oils and treaments. As a Certified Pet Aromatherapist we make up specific blends of essential oils to meet the needs of each client on an individual basis. This is an additional support for our Dog Training and Dog Behaviour clients..
This is not an alternative therapy to conventional medicine practices, and if your dog has a medical condition we recommend that you speak to your veterinary professional before using essential oils with your dog.
Our services may assist and support a Dog:
Improve General Health & Well-Being
Stress (separation & travel)
Calming, Relaxation
Muscular Discomfort & Support
Loss of Mate & Grief
Support Behavioural Conditions
Change of Environment
Bringing Home New Puppy
Rescue & Rehome Dog
Support Respiratory System
Essential oils have the unique ability to assist dogs and their owners both physically and emotionally. When a dog inhales an essential oil it goes straight to the brain, via the olfactory bulb from multiple sensory receptors, influencing their emotions. It is interesting to note that their ability to smell and the number of smell receptors in the nose is determined by the length of their noses. They can have up to 300 million smell receptors and an amazing ability to decipher multiple scents from the past, present, and in the future.
In the home with pets we also recommend using all natural products, minimising the use of chemicals, plastics, synthetics and fragranced products. What seems like a daunting task is actually alot simplier than you may think. We sell a chemical free product that can be used for cleaning every surface in your home, it also minimises the amount of waste disposed of from conventional cleaning products. It contains the powerful immune boosting essential oils of Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary and Eucalyptus.
If you would like to know more about our AromaDog Services please contact us directly or through our Contact page, thank you.
Mb: 0408 899 875 or Eml: info@securepawsandclaws.com.au
Information contained here on AromaPetology's website and for all AromaPetology services is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, cure, prevent any disease or treat any conditions for humans or animals and is not a substitute for professional healthcare medical attention. It is for educational and information purposes only. Essential oils should only be prescribed for medical conditions and/or ailments by trained healthcare specialists and always refer to the safe use of essential oil information on the bottle label, and safety data information provided when purchasing essential oils. Always speak to your medical professional specialist before using essential oils if you or your pet have a medical condition and always use essential oils with caution when working with animals. AromaPetology the publisher of this website shall have neither responsibility nor liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained therein. All rights are reserved, no part maybe reproduced in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic, duplication, photocopied or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher, thank you. ©2017 by AromaPetology​