Want a "Pawsitive Puppy"
"Pawsitive Puppies" ...With extensive Puppy skills we can positively assist and support you to get your puppy off to the "Best Start" and/or stepping out on the "Right Paw"..... Do you have a puppy and want to build a more Positive relationship or your puppy needs some life skill training, or planning to bring one home, are a first time puppy owner or have a puppy that needs some Positive Behaviours and House Training skills. With over 30 years of Puppy experience and as a Positive "Force Free" Modern Dog Trainer & Dog Behaviour Specialist, past Registered Golden Retriever Breeder and Professional Dog Groomer, we can assist with everything Puppy including preparation for "Fear Free" grooming, handling and visiting vet clinics. As an additional support, all our training packages include a complimentary therapeutic grade calming essential oil blend and Stainless Steel Pendant Diffuser, which you can share with your dog (total value of $45). If you would like more information please visit our website: www.securepawsandclaws.com.au, or face book pages Secure Paws & Claws & AromaPetology or call Louise on mb: 0408 899 875 :)